9.28.20 Newsletter. Abundance. The Harvest Moon. Wildlife

Abundance. The Harvest Moon. Wildlife.

"All White" Tea, and the tea plants it was harvested from.  Now that's fresh!
Limelight Hydrangeas
Lemon Verbena, Coreopsis, Hibiscus
Peace, joy and radiant health to you tea friends! 
It's the the first week of Fall...already. If it were up to me, I'd vote for another month of summer; have cherished every day of it.   So much color and life in abundance, soft grass to enjoy with bare feet,  cat naps or long stretches in the sunshine. These heavenly blue skies and clear Michigan sunshine never get old. 
As I did my evening walk about tonight, I was appreciating the unexpected warmth and beauty. Picked a perfect Fuji apple off a tree in the orchard and it was as tasty, juicy and satisfying as you could imagine.

Pictured above is locally grown freshly processed Biodynamic white Tea from our farm right here in Traverse City, Michigan.  So beautiful, so fresh, so delicious.
Also pictured are Camellia sinensis " tea" plants from our  hoop houses, one of many Monarchs who visited us this season, fueling on a Lace cap Hydrangea, and a view shots of the Meditation Garden from just outside the tea shop.  I'm also adding in a few favorites as encouraging evidence of a healthy biodiverse ecosystem including a Monarch cocoon affixed to the tea shop wall in the sunshine, and some giant toads who live in various places including under a tea plant in hoop house 2- who loves crickets and seems to enjoy being petted. Turns out the American Toad is a popular, low maintenance pet. Who knew? Also pictured is me feeding Ricky, the chipmunk by hand yesterday. Made my day.
Tending to this land here and doing this work makes me happy & fulfilled. 
It is an understatement to say that this has been such an interesting, unexpected chapter of life for all of us.  I'm eager - if you're willing-  to read what you and your loved ones have learned during this quarantine time. Please share in the comments below, or email me at teafairy@lightofdayorganics.com.
For me, I'll confess that I've come to realize that  what I thought I wanted, isn't what I really want.  My new and improved definition of abundance is something like this: watching Eagles and Hawks soar above the farm, occupied Bluebird nests, having the freedom to rest, making space and giving things away, relief from crushing obligations, feeling creative & inspired, having plenty of meaningful work to do, re-discovering a renewed passion for my craft, taking time to cultivate new relationships, daily meditations, enjoying after supper walks, reading, naps with the cat.  More meal time and play time with family, being present for myself, rediscovering and deepening bonds with those I love, the ability to grow food & preserve food to provide immediate and sustained nourishment for us, swimming in the crystal clear waters of Lake Michigan, making trails and taking long walks through the woods, seeing a bear out our back door, the Red tail fox allowing themselves to be seen regularly, befriending a chipmunk named "Ricky" who eats out of my hand, feeling deeply rested with happy adrenals, and having the opportunity to serve the Earth and you all in a meaningful way. Thank you for giving me a reason to keep doing what I do. It makes me happy to grow and blend teas for you, your family, friends and businesses. 
The next full Moon "The Harvest Moon" is this coming Thursday, October 1 at 5:05 pm. I've created a routine to honor each full moon as an opportunity for honest reflection, appreciation, and an invitation to come back into alignment if I've unknowingly deviated from goals I've set for myself. I also look deep into my heart to evaluate how to give and receive love more whole-heartedly, without resistance, and also for places to let go and practice forgiveness of self and others.
In one of the newsletters I subscribe to, there was a "head's up" about some strong planetary influences coming our way and to be especially mindful on Sept. 29 and October 9 during these events to elevate the overall vibration to support harmony, peace, protection and non-violence for all beings worldwide. If you are interested in participating in a global peace meditation, please look into Flower of Life meditation, a guided audio meditation , facilitated by Global Peace Meditation.

No doubt about it....Mother Nature is letting us know she's winding down again. Time to think about buttoning up again. Time for Pruning, mulching and winding up those hoses again. 
Time to be still, and appreciate the wonder all around us. Just look up...the fall leaves are so bright and vibrant.

Feeling so immensely grateful for the abundance of nutritious bounty that has been grown, harvested, and preserved this season.  I am also both thrilled and relieved to have our newest hoop house completed and planted. 1260 new plants in this season and more seeds germinating now. Goal is to grow at least 80% of our ingredients by 2022 and to continue to lessen dependence on outsourcing. We purchased a tea roller this season, so plan to produce more black teas in house.

If you're local, (or plan to be in the area) and are thinking about placing an order online soon, please consider choosing the "local pick up" option and come enjoy a walk, your lunch, or a restorative nap here yourself.  The plants love to be seen, and appreciate you taking the time to connect.

Lots more pictures here below to enjoy.  
Please be gentle and loving to yourselves. Radiate peace and love. 
In appreciation of YOU,

Monarch cocoon on tea shop building
Monarch butterfly on Lacecap Hydrangea

Fresh batch of Peaceful Peninsulas tea!

Honeybee feast on "Autum Joy" Sedum
"Big Guy"- living in Hoop 3
Angela feeding Ricky the chipmunk

Ricky the chipmunk

 Fall Soup- 100% veggies from farm (so satisfying to grow one's own food- highly recommend)
Staying cool
Toad petting. This guy lives under a tea plant in Hoop 2
For fun, Vince mows a Peace sign at the farm each summer; can you see it? It's at about the 5:00 position in this picture. Thank you student pilot Rollie Charpentier for this photo.


Most of you recognize our son Leland from the tea shop. He's been planting, picking flowers and fruit, mulching, and generally helping out cheerfully with whatever needs doing since early on. He was just 2 years old when Light of Day was founded. He and his brother Peter are the planned successors of the business. A big thank you to Leland who has been the most wonderful co-worker and companion to me at the farm while he was home from college this last season. A true pleasure to work with. Kind, generous, patient, wise- and playful!

Hoop house #1 rebuild (we lost Dec. 24, 2016 in a snowstorm)

Our sons Leland and Peter in newly rebuilt tea Hoop 1. Leland is in the Honors Business School at MSU and Peter is studying Packaging Engineering at MSU (you will find Light of Day in high quality teabags in the near future I suspect!)

Copyright  2020© Light of Day Organics, All rights reserved. 

Come pick up your online order and enjoy a visit to the farm soon. 

Orders are filled with love- and include a handwritten note and a candy treat with each order. 

Our mailing address is:
Light of Day Organics
3502 E. Traverse City, MI 49684
